Family Lawyers in Marbella

Can we help you? Please call us on 0333 344 6302 or contact us through our enquiry form. All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.

Blanchards Law, Marbella

Other legal firms talk about their qualifications and experience. But, at Blanchards Law, we only care about you. Adopting a client-centric approach we’ll take the lead from you – asking questions and offering guidance where needed to understand your challenge and ultimate goal.

With extensive experience supporting British expats, we’re perfectly positioned in the Aloha Pueblo in Neuva Andalucia, and are ready to help however we can!

Here are a few reasons to contact our team for support.

  • A sensitive approach. A divorce or the loss of any relationship is harrowing. That’s why we take an empathetic approach – so you can tell us what you need without undue pressure.
  • Guidance you can trust. We’ll break the law down into terms you can understand. This means you’ll always know what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and when it will be done.
  • Expertise you can afford. Why should you break the bank to get the outcome you deserve? Family law in Marbella won’t cost the earth when you trust us to handle your case.

What we do

We are a committed team of family lawyers specialising in family law. Our expertise spans a broad range of services that includes divorce, financial settlements, child arrangements and pre-and post-marriage agreements..

Our team members aren’t just legal experts. They’re fathers, mothers, parents and grandparents. Using these life experiences, we’ll fight your corner to get the best result possible.

From the outset, you’ll benefit from clear guidance at what’s bound to be a challenging time. Thanks to our strong negotiation skills you can hire us with peace of mind too – knowing you’re in safe hands.

Hire us and you’ll be:

  • Working with a firm that refuses to compromise – instead upholding the highest legal standards at all times
  • Benefit from a friendly, energetic, and client-centric approach designed to solve your case with minimal hassle
  • Trusting a family law firm in Marbella with a reputation for excellence – all supported by testimonials from happy customers

What our clients say:

Recent testimonials from clients confirm how they felt about the way we represented them:

“Blanchards supported my difficult and complex legal proceedings. They navigated every detail with high competence and provided confidence and reassurance at every step. Was most grateful for the human touch of doing the right thing at all times, and for their comforting professionalism even when times were very tough. Fully recommend and thank you.” – S James

“Punam is an excellent family law solicitor. She acted for me during my divorce offering realistic advice. Her calm and reassuring approach during a very difficult period allowed us to reach a fair and, as far as it is ever possible, an amicable outcome. I have no hesitation in recommending Punam to anyone facing a divorce.” – P Martin

I have no hesitation in highly recommending this law firm. They gave me some great advice and put me in the right direction. Senior Solicitor Margaret Furniss has been very understanding and brilliant. Not after profit or money which is rare. Thank you Margaret for your kind help. Five star service!” – A Adam

Can we help you? Please call us on 0333 344 6302 or contact us through our enquiry form. All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.

How can we help you?

Family Law Services in Marbella

Blanchards Law provides a broad range of legal services to its customers – a selection of which are detailed below. 

1) Divorce & separation

A divorce is upsetting for all involved – not just the parents but their children too. It’s also a confusing time. Who will the children live with? Who is responsible for their education – and what about visiting rights?

During this difficult time, we’ll advise and support you through mediation – or, if necessary, by arranging a Child Arrangement Order

Areas we can help with include:

  • Financial orders for children
  • Child arrangement orders
  • Parental responsibility
  • International divorce
  • Paternity rights

2) Financial issues 

Our aim is to ensure you achieve an optimal financial settlement with minimal stress – while also managing your expectations in respect of the anticipated outcome. 

Using  a sensitive approach we’ll lay out the facts – guiding you through the principles and guidelines applicable to you and, if relevant, your children.

Drawing on our expertise in collaborative law and mediation we can often prevent a financial dispute from going to court – saving you time, stress, and money.

3) Trust & inheritance issues

If you’re looking for family law experts in Marbella with proven experience in overcoming challenges associated with inheritance trusts and disputes, look no further than Blanchards Law.

We can help if:

  • A court application is needed to contest a will or resolve an intestacy
  • Locate the most tax-efficient solutions to protect your assets in a trust
  • Mediate inheritance issues and save you money with alternative dispute resolution

4) Cohabitation agreements

In the event of a separation from your partner would you know your rights? In fact, cohabitees – a term used to describe couples who live together – aren’t recognised by the legal system.

Creating a cohabitation agreement will define, in the event of a breakup:

  • How your children, if applicable, are financially supported
  • How pensions, bank accounts, and debts are shared
  • Who owns which assets and is responsible for paying for them

This list is not comprehensive. We do so much more. For guidance, contact a member of our team.

5) Marriage and civil partnerships

Marriage and civil partnerships, although different in some respects, share many commonalities. For example, both have identical next of kin, property, pension, and parental rights.

Using our niche expertise in this area we can:

  • Convert civil partnerships into marriage – a process that is now possible according to UK law
  • Annul a civil partnership or marriage via, respectively, a dissolution order or decree absolute

Examples of cases we've worked on

  • Relocation – We represent parents who want to move away with their children, and those who seek to oppose it. We ensure that we produce a high quality of work and representation. We won a recent case against the odds when a parents sought to move with her boys from Cambridgeshire to Somerset.
  • Unmarried Couple Settlements Common marriage does not exist. We disentangled business and property arrangements between a couple so they could walk away. They simply could not get on, and the business could not function. The children were being very badly affected.
  • Pet Custody – We successfully obtained an order for the return of a much-loved pet, who was
    being held to ransom by one of the parties.
  • Emergency Injunctions – Every week, we obtain orders to protect one party and/or the children from the violence and abuse from another person with whom they were in a relationship.

Questions you will want answers to:

Explore our FAQs below to find helpful answers to our most commonly asked questions. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call on 0333 344 6302 or email us at and one of our Fenchurch Street will get in touch. 

Our family legal fees are fair and will be laid out clearly in writing in our first letter. We also promise to continually review the cost of your case and advise of any adjustments promptly – meaning there’ll never be any surprises.

If you’re not entitled to legal aid you can:

  • Pay as you go – meaning you can choose whether or not to continue when your fee is used up
  • Pay by standing order each month in which case we’ll forewarn of any adjustments in advance
  • Seek alternative funding by borrowing from friends, family, or your bank

A divorce takes on average 4-6 months to complete. But there will be inevitable exceptions to this rule. For example, if financial issues remain unresolved, it could delay the application for a Decree Absolute.

It’s tempting to cut costs by handling the case yourself.  This is fine if you’re an expert in the specified area. Else, you might struggle to interpret legal jargon or lack the knowledge needed to achieve an optimal outcome – resulting in a reduced settlement in the case of a divorce. 

We offer an initial free consultation, so why not get in touch for an informal chat about your case before deciding?

Choose us as your preferred family lawyers in Marbella and we’ll allocate the best-qualified expert to your case. To ensure consistency the same person will be on-hand from initial consultation through to resolution.

Can we help you? Please call us on 0333 344 6302 or contact us through our enquiry form. All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.

Reasons why Clients choose Blanchards Law

No two cases are ever the same. That’s why we focus on you first – listening carefully and tailoring a plan to suit your goals.

Your solicitor will be fully-qualified and highly skilled in their niche too – providing expert guidance you can trust.

Naturally cost matters  to you. That’s why we’ll explain our fees in advance rather than surprising you at the end. .

Choose us and you’ll benefit from:

  • Guidance explained in everyday terms – no riddles to unravel
  • Efficient and high-quality service – minus the high price tag
  • Expertise you can rely on – thanks to our years of experience

As trusted family lawyers and solicitors in Aldgate we’d love to help you achieve your goal. Why not speak to an expert today for free.

Can we help you? Please call us on 0333 344 6302 or contact us through our enquiry form. All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.

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Stories & case studies to help you

Please read our blogs on our cohabitation work and practice. Like you, many client have come to us because the blogs are informative and designed to help you understand what you can do to resolve your situation.

Contact us on 0333 344 6302 for a no-obligation call