Christine Plews Joins Blanchards Law

We are delighted to announce that Christine Plews has joined us as a Consultant specialising in mediation. Following a successful career at a top regional firm where she was a Partner and Head of…

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Navigating the Journey of Separation: A Guide to Supportive Resources

Separation can be a challenging journey for families, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are several resources designed to support you through this transition, offering…

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Seven Ways You Can Get a Separation Agreement

The prospect of going to court is a concern for many couples looking to separate. They might have nightmares about being financial or emotional drained, or about unjust court decisions. Rest assured,…

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In the Child’s Best Interest: Separation for Parents

Today, we delve into the heart of separation agreements to examine what difference it makes when there are children involved. From those seeking them to family lawyers, arbitrators, mediators,…

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Understanding Your Financial Rights in a Separation: A Guide for UK Families

Navigating through a separation can be a challenging time, particularly when it comes to understanding your financial rights and planning for the future. This blog post aims to provide a clear and…

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“The Separated Family” An Ultimate Guide to Separation

According to the Office of National Statistics, 80,057 divorces were granted in England and Wales in 2022. This is a 29.5% decrease from 2021 and the lowest number of divorces annually since 1971.…

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Domestic abuse: What is a non-molestation order and when might I need one?

Domestic abuse is still a widely under-reported crime, with only around 24% of cases reported to the police. This makes it difficult for victims to gain protection and prosecution. If you’re…

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Domestic abuse: How do I know if I’m in an abusive relationship?

Domestic abuse is still widely misunderstood. For many people, abuse in a relationship is typified by physical abuse - punching, attacking, biting or kicking to name a few. But this is only part of…

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Domestic abuse: Can I force my partner to leave our home?

When you’re in an abusive relationship it can be incredibly difficult to leave. If you have children it can be an even harder decision to make - leaving your home might feel almost impossible. So,…

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Domestic abuse: Your finances and your future

When you’re leaving an abusive relationship, working out financial matters can be very difficult.  Separation and divorce is always difficult financially, but if you have been banned from accessing…

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