An Ultimate Guide to Non-Molestation Orders

According to the National Centre for Domestic Violence, one in five adults will experience domestic abuse. Although both sexes are at risk of domestic abuse, women suffer more than men: one in four…

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Understanding Non-Molestation Orders: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of family law, a non-molestation order is a powerful tool designed to protect individuals from harm. It is essentially a court order that prevents a person from acting in a manner that…

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Who Can Apply for a Non-Molestation Order

A non-molestation order is a legal instrument designed to protect individuals from harm, particularly in the context of domestic violence or harassment. Governed by the Family Law Act 1996, it is a…

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Exploring Alternatives to Non-Molestation Orders

Non-molestation orders are powerful legal instruments granted by family courts to protect individuals from harm or threats of harm. They serve as personalized injunctions, tailored to the specific…

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The Legal Journey to Obtain a Non-Molestation Order: A Step-by-Step Guide

A non-molestation order is a legal instrument that offers protection from harm or threats of harm. It is a personalized injunction granted by the family courts. However, obtaining one involves a…

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Will My Pension Be Considered An Asset In Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, and either you or your partner has a pension, you may be wondering whether it will be considered an asset. The short answer is that it will, regardless of what type of…

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The Pension Sharing Order: A Key Component in Divorce Proceedings

Divorce can be a stressful process, but dividing complex assets like pensions doesn’t have to add to that stress. One of the most common and straightforward ways to handle pensions during a divorce…

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Understanding Pension Valuations During Divorce

Pensions are important assets to include in divorce proceedings, as they are often worth more than any other asset on the table. They’re also unusual, because the pension’s recipient might have to…

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Exploring Alternatives for Pension Division in Divorce: Offsetting and Attachment

Generally speaking, a pension sharing order is the simplest and easiest way to make sure that pensions are shared fairly during a divorce. However, there are situations where pension sharing is not…

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An Ultimate Guide to Pensions in Divorce

Introduction: Coming to a fair and equitable financial agreement is one of the most challenging areas of divorce proceedings, but it is also one of the most important. For many separating couples,…

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