Framing Britney Spears – What does a Conservatorship look like in the UK?
Kat Jayne 2017
As a major legal topic under public scrutiny right now,…
Blanchards Law featured in local newspaper
Blanchards has been featured in the Henley Standard to mark our office move onto Market Place. The article describes the new office, our services and the journey Punam Denley has been on to make Blanchards Law the success it is now. “Family law is…
Latest News,Divorce & Separation,International Family Law
Brexit and Divorce – where are we now?
We are still awaiting further information and guidance as to the impact that Brexit and leaving the EU will have on divorce cases. What we do know is that, as you start divorce proceedings in 2021, new rules will apply. We have noted that the…
Lockdown – what does it mean for childcare arrangements?
On 4 January 2021, the government announced that another national lockdown was necessary to help tackle the coronavirus pandemic, with people only being allowed to leave their homes for limited purposes and where absolutely necessary to include the…
DIY Divorce – is it a good option for you?
The new divorce petition was introduced in August 2017. The form is designed to be more user friendly for the lay man, and has taken out some of the legal jargon. It also incorporates detailed guidance on how to complete the form. This was in…
Shared Custody of Children over the Holidays; Top Tips
One in three children will see their parents split up before they reach their sixteenth birthday. “shared custody” or “equal time parenting” is on the rise and it is important that you make sure you contact arrangements work well for both you and…
Considering a Pre-Nuptial Agreement? Points to consider.
According to data released by Facebook, Christmas Eve is the most popular day to get engaged closely followed by Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. This joyful time can be made to feel less romantic if you are considering whether you want a…
Blanchards Lawyer goes to Parliament
Natasha Ord of Blanchards Law, a family lawyer based in Henley-on-Thames travelled to…
Divorce & Separation,Financial Issues,Children
Tips for Managing your Legal Costs and Saving Money in Divorce and Children Disputes
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. Blanchards Law is a niche family law practice with divorce solicitors, mediators and collaborative lawyers. Can we help you? Please call us on 0845 658 6639 or email us at pd@blanchardslaw.co.uk I was…
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