How do you enforce a Contact/Access Order? The Children and Adoption Act 2006 | The Children & Families Act 2013
In brief Child Arrangement Orders’ have been brought in as of April 2014, which endeavour to remove labelling of parents as either having the children living with them, or seeing them on a regular basis. This labelling has been the cause of a huge…
Divorce & Separation,Latest News,Children
New Rules for 2014
On 22 April 2014, a new vision of the practice of family law in England and Wales was ushered in. This was as a result of increasing distaste in government circles with the amount of public money being spent on family breakdown. The process of this…
Financial Issues,Latest News,Divorce & Separation,Nuptial Agreements
Pre-Nuptial Agreements to become enforceable in England?
Pre-Nuptial Agreements to become enforceable in England? The Daily Mail reports today that legislation will be brought forward to enforce pre marriage agreements:…
Divorce & Separation,International Family Law
What to do when your spouse wants to divorce in a different country to you
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law Sometimes family law proceedings can be taken in more than one country. Clients and some divorce lawyers are often at a loss to decide where they should divorce when they have a variety of links…
Financial Issues,Latest News,Divorce & Separation
What does the decision in Petrodel v Prest mean?
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. Yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court (12 June 2013) reaffirms what family lawyers have long believed: A party who has placed his assets within a company which he wholly owns and controls, cannot protect those…
Children,International Family Law
Leave to Remove Applications & Child Abduction
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. If you want to take a child out of England or Wales, and you don’t have a Residence Order then you will need to ask permission of everyone with Parental Responsibility for the child.
Can your marriage be annulled?
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. As divorce law currently stands in England & Wales, you cannot bring a Divorce Petition to end the marriage until a year has elapsed since the date of the wedding.
Financial Issues,Divorce & Separation
How do you protect your interest in your home if you are not on the Deeds?
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. If, the matrimonial home is held in your sole name then you should be advised that to protect themselves, your spouse may enter a Homes Right Notice which should mean that, effectively, the house cannot be sold…
Financial Issues,Divorce & Separation
What is a Joint Tenancy and how do you Sever it?
By Punam Denley of Blanchards Law. If the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of yourself and your spouse/partner and is held by you as “joint tenants” upon the death of one of the joint owners, their share passes automatically to the…
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