RULES ARE RULES! Common mistakes to avoid when applying for divorce
You may have seen recently in the news that fellow London based law-firm Vardags accidentally divorced the wrong couple by clicking the button on the court’s online portal system. The firm had mistakenly applied for a final order for one client…
What is Spousal Maintenance
The Court has the power to make spousal maintenance orders which are known as “periodical payments” orders by virtue of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. This means that when dealing with the financial side of a divorce settlement or the dissolution…
Divorce & Separation,Latest News
The importance of financial disclosure In divorce: The Kimber Factors
The recent case of HKW v CRH [2024] EWFC 358 (B) concerned the Husband’s purported loans and/or gifts to the children of the marriage and pre-marital cohabitation. The case was a modest asset case with the parties owning property abroad. The…
Mediation & Collaborative Law,Latest News
Mediation: a robust and flexible system
Mediation is a method of resolving issues outside the court room and the model can be adapted to suit the needs of almost all separating couples As a mediator, I often hear many reasons why mediation isn’t suitable for a couple. Most frequently, it…
Mediation & Collaborative Law,Latest News
Financial Help For Separating Families
Financial Help For Separating Families It seems to be a well-kept secret that for some time now the Government has been supporting families who are separating by providing each couple who have children with a Voucher worth £500 towards the costs…
Mediation & Collaborative Law,Latest News
What is a MIAM? (Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting)
What is a MIAM? (Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting) As one of the ways of resolving the issues arising out of your separation, many couples chose mediation. This is a way of reaching a proposal by discussing matters face to face with…
Fact-Finding Hearings in Family Courts
Fact-Finding Hearings in Family Courts A fact-finding hearing is a standalone hearing in child arrangements proceedings, which takes place to determine whether allegations raised by one person, or two, are true. It is down to the Judge to decide…
An Ultimate Guide to Pet Custody Shared Care Agreements
Pet Custody Shared Care Agreements You’ve separated from your partner, and you want to share your pet – how does this work? A shared care agreement is a great way to formalise arrangements for sharing your beloved pet. With help of a shared care…
An Ultimate Guide To Parental Responsibility
As a parent, you have wide-ranging powers over your child as well as a responsibility to use them in his or her best interests. In law, this is called “parental responsibility” and while most of us take it for granted in everyday life, it can be…
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