Blanchards Law Recognised as a Leading Family Law Practice in the UK
We are thrilled to announce that Blanchards Law has been ranked in the prestigious Legal 500 2025 guide, marking a significant milestone in our journey as a trusted family law practice. This recognition is a testament to the dedication,…
Divorce & Separation,Financial Issues,Latest News
Dealing With Business Assets in Divorce or Dissolution of Civil Partnership
Often, the most complicated aspect of a divorce for a couple is dealing with financial arrangements. Where business assets are involved, this can become even more challenging if not dealt with correctly. This blog does not deal with unmarried…
New Laws For The Paws! The Pet Abduction Act 2024
The Pet Abduction Act 2024 The English law is finally recognising cats and dogs as more than just property. We are a nation of animal lovers so it is about time the law caught up with the fact that our furry friends are family members, not just…
Nuptial Agreements,Latest News
An ultimate guide to Pre-Nuptial agreements
Pre-nuptial agreements (often known as “Pre-nups”) are an increasingly used legal tool to attempt to provide protection and clarity in the event of a separation following a marriage or civil partnership. It is never a bad idea to be organised about…
‘Bennifer 2.0’ is no longer, but is it worth having a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?
‘Bennifer 2.0’ the term the media have given the rekindled relationship, and subsequent marriage, between Hollywood’s A list celebrities, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Earlier this year it was confirmed they are divorcing after two years of…
Latest News,Mediation & Collaborative Law
The Ultimate Guide to Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings
If you’re in the process of divorce or separation, and need to reach an agreement with your partner over parenting or financial matters, you may have heard that you have to attend a “MIAM”. This stands for “Mediation Information and Assessment…
Latest News,Divorce & Separation
The Ultimate Guide to Spousal Maintenance
When a marriage or civil partnership ends, one spouse is often at a financial disadvantage compared to the other. For example, if you stayed home to look after children when they were young, and your partner took on the role of “main breadwinner”…
Re-evaluating Matrimonial Property: Insights from a Landmark Financial Appeal
Standish v Standish and its impact on the application of the sharing principle Standish v Standish [2024] EWCA Civ 567 The importance of source not title, the application of the sharing principle and the process of matrimonialisation. On appeal,…
What is a Prohibited Steps Order?
When parents separate, co-parenting can sometimes be a difficult task, parents may have varying opinions, making decisions about the children extremely difficult. We have all heard the stories of a child being collected from school by one parent and…
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