Domestic abuse: How do I know if I’m in an abusive relationship?
Domestic abuse is still widely misunderstood. For many people, abuse in a relationship is typified by physical abuse - punching, attacking, biting or kicking to name a few. But this is only part of what constitutes domestic abuse. The 2021 Domestic…
Domestic abuse: What is a non-molestation order and when might I need one?
Domestic abuse is still a widely under-reported crime, with only around 24% of cases reported to the police. This makes it difficult for victims to gain protection and prosecution. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, either in a current…
Ultimate guide to getting legal advice for domestic abuse
Getting legal advice for domestic abuse Domestic abuse is more common than you might think. Around 1 in 5 adults in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, and with 88% of partner abuse victims reporting non-physical abuse during…
Cohabitation Rights & Agreements – Part 3 of 3 – Your Questions Answered
Welcome to the final part of our blog series, in which we have explored the complexities, myths and challenges of living together outside marriage or civil partnership. Remember, this is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for…
Cohabitation Rights & Agreements – Part 2 of 3 – Understanding Property Ownership and Beneficial Interest
This is the second instalment of our blog series, aimed at guiding you through the legal intricacies of cohabitation. It's important to note the information provided here is for general educational purposes only. For advice specific to your…
Cohabitation Rights & Agreements – Part 1 of 3 – Why Cohabitaåtion Agreements Are So Important
This blog series has been created to help navigate you through the legal complexities of living together outside marriage or civil partnership. Please bear in mind that this advice is intended for general information purposes only, and you should…
An Ultimate Guide To Cohabitation Rights & Agreements
Introduction To Cohabitation Rights And Debunking A Popular Myth In the UK, 22% of couples living together aren’t married or in a civil partnership, and they represent the fastest growing family structure. Yet many of these people believe that after…
Nuptial Agreements,Latest News
Is there such a thing as a Pet-Nup?
With pet custody disputes on the rise, one of the questions we’re often asked is “Is there such a thing as a ‘pet-nup’? The answer is yes, a 'pet-nup' does exist, and it can be beneficial in some circumstances. This type of agreement outlines the…
Latest News,Divorce & Separation
Who Keeps The Dog
One of the most common disagreements after relationship breakdowns concerns dog ownership. People have incredibly strong ties with their dogs, and often their ability to retain possession of the pet feels more important than any question of finance.…
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