Points to Note About Divorce
The divorce process is quite straightforward and you will find a procedural timetable on our website. You need to have been married for a minimum of 1 year before you can bring a petition. You need to have grounds for the divorce and simply saying…
How to Help Shield your Children from your Divorce or Separation
At Blanchards Law we see children as being the central to our client’s cases, but that does not mean that they should be involved in adult conflict. Too often we see a tug of war between the parents where a mother, for example is withholding contact…
Choosing a Lawyer and What to Expect from Him or Her
How do you choose a lawyer? People go to the yellow pages or other telephone directory, they ask their friends and family and they search the internet. Ring around a few places and get an idea of what the lawyer is like by speaking to them, if…
What to Consider Before your Divorce
Think about whether you really want to divorce; consider counselling. For example, just because one of you has had an affair doesn’t mean that your trust can’t be rebuilt. Find a good divorce lawyer, you need a family law specialist and one you can…
What You Need to Know about Financial Settlements
Whereas the divorce process is quite straightforward and you will find a procedural timetable on the website, the same can’t be said for financial proceedings. Even if you can agree on all money issues, you will need a family law specialist to draw…
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