Mediation Services
Mediation is a voluntary process through which separating couples seek to resolve any issues which may arise between them as a consequence of their separation. There does not necessarily need to be a dispute, just a wish to have a framework within which to resolve the issues arising out of your separation.
Our team are fully trained and highly experienced mediators, including Christine Plews who trained with Resolution as a mediator in 2012 and has a national reputation as a leading mediator. She is qualified to conduct Child Inclusive Mediation and is CRB checked.
Can we help you?
Please call us on 0333 344 6302 or contact us through our enquiry form. All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.
Our Mediation Services
Mediation is a way of reaching a proposal to solve the issues arising out of your separation. It involves discussing matters face to face with your former partner (virtual or in person) and with the help of a qualified mediator.
MIAM stands for Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting. It is an individual private and confidential session that a mediation participant has with a family mediator to explore whether mediation is suitable for your situation.
Parenting Issues
Mediation is very effective at dealing with the parenting issues arising out of your separation as it can help build a new relationship as co- parents rather than partners and lead to sustainable and more flexible arrangements.
Child Inclusive Mediation
It can be very helpful for a child’s development to have a voice in the arrangements which are being made for them. In most cases the child choses to allow the mediator to give feedback to their parents regarding their views which is also helpful to the parents.
Pet Custody Mediation
A pet is a valued member of the family and there can be real difficulties in making the arrangements about future ownership or care. Mediation can be a non-adversarial way of resolving this, taking into account the feelings involved.
Hybrid Mediation
Sometimes the thought of traditional model of mediation is quite daunting and other models need to be looked at. Hybrid mediation is one such model which we offer and which enables the mediator to have an enhanced role in the negotiations and possibly for the participants to have their lawyers on hand.
This is what our clients say about us
"An exceptional and gifted mediator with years of practical family law experience under her belt."
Mediation service user
"Christine has such a huge wealth of experience and is quite unflustered; she brings all of that to her mediation."
Mediation service user
"Christine is really good at managing difficult situations. With her skill set as a lawyer and a mediator she offers more of a holistic approach to family law."
Mediation service user
"Christine is a fantastic and diligent professional who can put a client's mind at ease."
Mediation service user
"Christine is very experienced, has a lovely manner and is very calm and reassuring for clients. She also has a background as a family solicitor so can mediate complex technical issues."
Mediation service user
What is mediation and how does it work?
Mediation is a voluntary process through which separating couples seek to resolve any issues which may arise between them as a consequence of their separation. There does not necessarily need to be a dispute, just a wish to have a framework within which to resolve the issues arising out of your separation.
The process is confidential and leaves you, as the couple, making the decisions that are right for you, your family and your children, rather than others who do not know you. It should maintain or improve communication between you and provide you with sustainable agreements, particularly with regard to children and parenting issues.
Free Guide to Mediation and MIAMs
If you’re in the process of divorce or separation and need to reach an agreement with your partner over parenting or financial matters, read our free guide to mediation and MIAMs.
Get in touch today
Please use the form to make an enquiry or call us on 0333 344 6302 All initial enquiries are free and without obligation.
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Contact us on 0333 344 6302 for a no-obligation call
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